A self-levelling methyl methacrylate resin and fine aggregate screed with a smooth finish. Pigmented to create a solid and stable colour. The Boisco FF system can be used to create bold colours that differentiate between areas. Anti-slip aggregate can also be added to create a tailored slip resistant floor surface.
Boisco Systems are fully cured within 2 hours at temperatures down to -30º C. Minimum downtime, rapid refurbishment, fast track new builds. |
Creates a totally impervious surface without pinholes or air bubbles. Extremely hygienic, outstanding aesthetics and easy to clean. |
Exceptional bond to existing subfloors and a chemical bond between layers creates a truly monolithic floor. Longevity, ability to overlay existing floors. |
Exceptional resistance to UV light, weathering, physical and chemical attack. Durability, "fit for purpose". |
Bold mono colour finishes. High definition colours highlights areas. |
Elastic and does not shrink. Resistant to cracking, minimal joints creating better detailing. |
Ainfo@boisco.ca x204-233-8693
601 Washington Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R2K 1M4
x 204-233-8693 A info@boisco.ca
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